Friday, July 23, 2010

The Napper

If you are 4, you no longer need a nap - just ask Emily.  She started resisting naps a few weeks before she turned 4 and now no longer goes down for the two-three hour daily nap that we loved so much.  But just because she doesn't need a nap, doesn't mean she's not tired.  As you can see from the pictures below, she pretty much falls asleep at the drop of a hat...
She laid down next to me on this beach towel and promptly fell asleep after playing in the sand. 
As my friend Kate said, "this picture epitomizes summer vacation." 
On the harbor cruise (which she was completely interested in, by the way, until she fell asleep). 
Curled up next to Daddy on the harbor cruise. 
In the car on the way to dinner.
In the palm of my hand - literally.  I reached out to touch her face and she rested her head in my hand and was asleep within seconds. 
Flat out on a beach towel. 
I love how cute her feet are here. 
On Mommy - twice during the week, she crawled onto my lap and promptly fell asleep.

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