Saturday, April 25, 2020

8th Grade Semi Formal

Emily was supposed to attend her 8th grade semi formal in mid-March, often the hi-light of their final year at JPII.  It was postponed (likely cancelled) due to COVID19, just one of many important events that Emily will miss out on this spring. The yearbook coordinator asked all of the 8th graders to dress up in their semi formal outfits so she could still feature them in the yearbook, so she got all dressed up late last week. So looked so beautiful - it breaks my heart that she and her friends likely won't be able to experience this awesome event.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

COVID-19 Diaries: Week Six

Well, another week of "quarantine" is over and we are still moving along.  The girls had vacation last week, so they had the chance to sleep in every morning, which they loved.  We missed seeing our families on Easter Sunday - we've only missed one Easter in New Hampshire in the last twenty years so it was a little tough on all of us.  Fortunately, it was a beautiful day and the girls spent a lot of time in the yard playing.  Mid-week, Emily and her soccer besties did a socially distant birthday "party" for one of their teammates, who they haven't seen in almost six weeks.  It was good for all of our souls to see her and her family.  This week, the girls are back to school work and the big day for all of us is April 23rd - when the CIAC meets to discuss the fate of spring high school sports in Connecticut.  At its last meeting, it held out hope for sports seasons that ran through July, so we are praying for positive news on this one.
Easter baskets. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

COVID-19 Diaries: Week Five

At this point in the lockdown, we seem to have finally settled into a routine that is working for all of us.  Everyone is exercising a lot, which I think is keeping our spirits high.  We were lucky this week with several days of sunny but chilly weather - the kind of weather that makes for a great night of sleep if you spend time active time outside.  We made a fire after dinner one night during the week, surprising the girls with s'mores, which they loved. I have to say, I'm not looking forward to next week, as the girls are both on spring break so the routine that has been working so well for us might go right out the window.
Parallel play (soccer and lacrosse) - just like when they were little.  

Lee's organizing went to a new level this week - a locker for all of the girls' sports equipment. 
First fire of the spring. 

I saw this on Twitter and sent it to the girls - so hard to stay motivated when there is no firm date for return to sports, but we are so proud of all of the work they are doing.  They both miss playing so much and we miss watching them do what they love. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

COVID-19 Diaries: Week Four

I think that this was the week that we all settled in and adjusted to this new life.  I fully admit that I had the most adjusting to do, but after a rough couple of weeks, I am definitely in a better place mentally.  I think it helps to be honest when people ask "how are you doing?", instead of just saying that everything is great - I find that people respond with their struggles as well.  Lee continues to work on projects at the Y and doesn't see anyone when he's there - it's perfect work for a solitary guy who loves to clean, organize and fix things.  I'm surprised by the amount of work that I still have streaming in but I have to say, I do feel like people are getting around to all of those projects and work items that they've been putting off for so long, me included.  The girls schooling continues to go well although they are both looking forward to having next week off.  With no place to go and the weather looking dreary, I am not looking forward to the lack of structure in our house.
Two NWC related items.  One is this great video that the parents put together for our amazing staff, which you can view here:
The other was a message from our NWC Head of School, in his weekly email.  I felt like, for the first time, someone was putting into words my jumbled up emotions:

"I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time given to us." 
 ~J.R.R. Tolkein, The Fellowship of the Ring
Dear Northwest Catholic Community,
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time given to us." As we end the third week of NWC Virtual School, I am so aware of the heavy feeling that hangs over our region and our country, even our global community. There is a palpable sense of suffering and deepest concern. Rarely do we choose the greatest challenges of our lives, our crosses and rings to bear, as in the quote above from the great literary trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkein.
A devout Catholic, Tolkein served in and survived both World Wars and poured his spirit into his creative work his entire life. Certainly this moment calls us to deepest faith and creativity in the face of genuine darkness. We are coming to see as a community and nation that there is no way around this great burden that has come to us. The only way out, is through. And the only way through is as one, a united Northwest Catholic community. I am moved daily by the examples of resilience, hard work, perseverance, faith, and generosity of our students, families, and teachers. How else could we do this without our faith in each other and in our God of tender mercy? So, even amidst suffering, I believe we are living faithfully in this "time given to us."
I love this kid. 
Our (lame) submission for the teacher thank you video. 
Hours of lax in the yard. 
Hours of soccer - in the yard, at the track, you name it. 
Our neighborhood elementary school did a teacher parade - here is the girls' beloved kindergarten teacher.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

March Soccer

Well. If Lee and I had known that Emily would only play one game this March - or perhaps, one game all spring - we would not have missed this one.  I was in en route to NYC by the time the game started (in upstate New York) and Lee was home with Elizabeth, so Emily was sent with her best friends.  I'm grateful that we have a parent that takes photos at the games, so that I was able to get a glimpse into her first game of the season.  The girls beat Alleycats 2-0 (a team they lost to 3-1 in the fall) and played a great game.  Crossing our fingers that they get on the field together again before the spring season is over.