Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Browns 2021

We took our annual family trip to Brown's in July.  It was hard being there without my dad, but he and my mom would have been so happy to see us all together (just missing Mike & Sandra), keeping the tradition alive.

Elizabeth stuck this photo of her and my dad at Brown's on her rearview mirror before we left on vacation.
Family photo
Ice cream stop at the Beach Plum, which used to be Pope's (our go-to spot when we were kids) to complete the trip down memory lane.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Summer Soccer

Emily played both high school summer league soccer and for her GVSA team over the summer.  The GVSA team played in only one tournament this summer, as some venues are still closed, or closed to the public. They also played a few friendly games. It was generally low stress and much slower pace than she is used to.  NWC played in their summer league, but a few games were cancelled due to weather and I also missed out on a couple because I was traveling for work.  She is definitely looking forward to tryouts being over and the high school season beginning.

GVSA 06 Summer Team

Love this coach.

When you 'meg a longtime rival.

This was a good game for Emily - she had two goals and an assist in a 3-0 win.

The best part of summer soccer - practices with your best friends.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

July Odds and Ends

July odds and ends.  Summer photos coming soon. 

When google makes a "see how things have changed" collage....
CSI Summer Academy

Alone on the train to NYC.  And by alone, I mean that I was the only one in the train car.  So weird.
When you have to work out on a really hot day.