Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Elizabeth took another sewing class at Joann's Fabrics, this one stretching out over two sessions.  She made a very cute capelet and was very proud of the finished product.
Session one included using a pattern and properly cutting fabric. 
She's getting quite handy with sewing machine. 

Pushing through the elastic. 
The finished product!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Wedding Odds and Ends

You'd think that, with all of the wedding posts, I couldn't possibly have left anything out.  But there were a few photos that didn't make any of those other posts....

After puttering around North Conway late morning on Saturday, we headed to check out some of the local Jackson scenery. With the horse obsession in our house, these beauties were the perfect distraction.

Ready for the wedding!
We stayed in this cute little cabin, detached from the rest of Whitney's Inn.  It was perfect!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Morning After

The morning after the wedding, we were all up bright and early.  Even a late night couldn't dim Elizabeth and Emily's excitement.  We went to breakfast, where we briefly reconnected with most of the family, and then headed out.  The girls used their muffs that morning - and every day since the wedding!

Wedding hair still intact!
Such a beauty!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Reception

After a beautiful wedding ceremony, we were ready for Alison & Ian's fabulous wedding reception.  The girls, who have never attended a wedding before, were on pins and needles the entire time and had soooo much fun.  It was a blast!  And it was so neat to watch all of the Roy uncles and cousins hang out and have so much fun together.
The venue was transformed from a bar to a beautiful reception hall during the day on Saturday.

Alison relaxing during the cocktail hour. 

Bustling the gown. 

The flowers at this wedding were absolutely gorgeous. 
Remembering those we've lost. 
Every table was named for a place that Alison & Ian visited together.  
The first dance. 

Father daughter dance. 
A gaggle of flower girls, eagerly awaiting the first dance. 
Aunt Melissa and Ben dancing - they were so good and so fast that almost every photo I took of this dancing was a complete blur.  

Flower girls going crazy. 
We have never, ever seen a DJ that was so into a wedding, so into the music.  Matt simply couldn't take it - had to get some video of the DJ....
The flower girls had a great time dancing.
Everyone likes a little MJ

Friday, February 21, 2014

We are Family

There is something about a wedding (liquid courage, perhaps?) that makes everyone break out their cameras and their smiles.  We had such a great time taking pictures with everyone.
Everyone wanted to take pictures with our beautiful flower girls!!

Aunt Chris, Jessa and Chip
Jessa and the girls.
Aunt Sylvia and Jessa
Aunt Denise and Aunt Sylvia - showing off their cannolis!
Melissa fixing Emily's updo.
Elizabeth planned out this photo op for what seemed like hours.  It was hard to catch Eric sitting down, but she took him by surprise.
Matt, Elizabeth and Eric
Love this photo!
Melissa and Emily - new BFFs?
Soo, we might have spent the time that we waited for dinner being silly...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Ceremony

The wedding ceremony was held at a lovely little congregational church in Jackson.  The minister was really entertaining and held a lovely ceremony.  The bride was breathtakingly beautiful, the groom was so happy and everyone really enjoyed the ceremony.
The church looked beautiful. 

Aunt Melissa, escorted by Bryan.

Gorgeous Jessa

Alison & Ian asked Karen to take their wedding photos (a fantastic choice, in my opinion).  She worked really hard the entire day and I can't wait to see the results!
The groom and his supporting cast, awaiting the bride.
My beautiful flower girls.
Elizabeth, anxiously awaiting the bride.
Alison and Uncle David.

Aunt Melissa

All of the flower girls, trying to get the best view.
Listening to the readings.
