Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Cookies

In preparation for our party last Sunday, the four of us made Christmas cookies together early Saturday evening. Despite the fact that I do a lot of baking, I have actually never made Christmas cookies, so it was a new experience for all of us - indeed, the fact that the dough had to chill for a few hours was one of the reasons we made cookies in the evening, instead of the afternoon (and as a side note, shouldn't the recipe begin with that information, sort of as a warning?). Anyway, we each picked out a cookie cutter and, with Lee's help rolling out the dough, made a bunch of really yummy Christmas cookies! The girls not only enjoyed eating them, but they also enjoyed contributing to our party.

1 comment:

America's Next Top Mommy said...

It always astounds me how clean and well dressed your girls are! Kudos!! As I post this (at nearly 2pm) one of my kids is still in his pajamas, one has hair that's stuck to her face and the other dressed herself which means that she is wearing a striped pair of leggings that are two sizes too big, a shirt with permanent chocolate milk stains and her dance recital outfit over all of it.

*hangs head in shame*