On Saturday afternoon, our family got together to celebrate Christmas - but first, we celebrated just being together! Our journey to New Hampshire and back took more than twice as long as it usually does because of the snowy conditions, but we can't really complain. As Mike and Sandra were about to land in Boston on Friday afternoon, their plane was diverted to Maine because of the snow; there, they rented a car and started the drive to NH, only to stop due to bad weather; Saturday morning, the battery in their rental was dead and they had to get another car - and ended up arriving just in time for dinner. Whew! We really enjoyed spending time with everyone and Elizabeth and Emily loved playing with their cousins - they were pretty much out of control with excitement all day!! (At one point, before we even left Connecticut, Elizabeth was jumping up and down in our kitchen yelling "I'm going to my cousins' house, I'm going to my cousins' house!"). Thanks to our generous family, the girls received an amazing amount of presents and were (and are) just so excited. More pictures from our family Christmas (the first of many family Christmases for us) here. 

The Christmas dinner table.
"Let me help you with that?" or "What did you get that I can take away from you?"
Katie, Meghan and Jillian open their joint gift from Auntie Kathy and Uncle Peter together.
Auntie Kathy and Uncle Peter scored with our girls - Elizabeth loves her purple shoes (above) and Emily couldn't have been more excited about her pink sweatshirt (below).
Here's Katie, playing Guitar Hero - she even looks like a rock star, doesn't she?!
Emily, Jillian, and Elizabeth, reading with Auntie Grail.