Thursday, July 11, 2024

Kenai Fjords - Aialik Bay

Our first full day at Kenai Fjords, we hiked to the top of the unnamed peak on Aialik Bay.  The total elevation was about 640 feet and at the top, we were treated to 360 views of the Pederson lagoon.  We were the first people to go to the top this season and the trail was too muddy even for lodge employees a few days earlier. The photos that I took at the top are some of the best photos I've ever taken - we were completely in awe of our surroundings. This is tied for my favorite day of the trip.

Absolutely breathtaking


 In the afternoon, we canoed across the lagoon and then hiked to Pederson Glacier. As recently as 1908, the Pederson Glacier connected to the lagoon where we started our hike; in fact, the hike we did would not have been possible even 50 years ago. My parents went to Alaska in the 1990s and as I stood in Aialik Bay, I realized that it was not possible for them to have seen what we were seeing at that moment, as it was completely covered by a glacier at that time. 


We saw so many river otters in the lagoon area.

Amazing to think that just 100 years ago, this entire area was covered by glaciers.

There were plenty of small avalanches while we were at the lagoon.

This was a glorious weather day - last year, Kenai Fjords had 70 inches of rain between Memorial Day and Labor Day yet we experienced 70 degrees and sun all day. It was spectacular. 

Skipping rocks at Pederson lagoon.
View from the lodge.
Pederson lagoon.

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