Friday, July 26, 2024

Alaska Railroad

We returned to Anchorage via the Alaska Railroad, departing from inside Denali National Park. The train was surprisingly luxurious and despite the fact that the trip took almost 8 hours, it was a beautiful way to experience the scenery and landscape of interior Alaska. One of the most amazing things was seeing Denali from the train. For the entire day, the peaks of Denali were completely visible, which is highly unusual.  

Hurricane Gulch
iPhone photo from the train - insane.
Dining car

Gorgeous peaks of Denali

When the landscape got a bit monotonous, Emily passed the time reading.

Old telegraph wires and poles.
Hours from the national park and still able to see the Denali peaks.
Remnants of a forest fire.
Moose tracks on the beach.
Anchorage train station.

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