Sunday, June 2, 2024

NWC Spring Track 2024

The spring track season did not start out the way Emily wanted but she definitely ended on a high note. Her sprained ankle caused her to fall well behind in training, which was disappointing, especially because she had just come off of a great indoor season. She slowly worked her way back, qualifying in both the 4x100 relay and the 100m dash. In her final meet, the CCC Championship, Emily earned a PR in the 100m and her relay ran it's fastest time in six years. We are so proud of her for embracing a sport she was never comfortable in and doing her absolute best.

Emily and Kennedy met at the first soccer captains' practice in June 2020 and they have been best friends ever since. We've shared a lot with Kennedy's family over the last four years.


No pictures from her last race, because I wanted to see it live and not through a camera lens, but she PR'd.
All smiles after her final race. She's had three meets and one soccer game at Willow Brook Park and at every one, she's done her personal best.

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