Sunday, June 23, 2024

Fern Harbor

Our second day was spent in Fern Harbor in Taylor Bay - all of the crew members were very excited about this, as this destination is one of their favorites but depending on weather and tides, one they are not often able to get to. We took a skiff ride in the morning, spending about 90 minutes out on the open water and seeing all sorts of interesting rock formations, sea life and animals. In the afternoon, we got our fee on land for the first time in two days, bushwhacking and taking in all of the beauty of a temporal rainforest.  We saw the Brady Glacier, a 24 mile long glacier,  and the Brady ice field, as well as the terminal moraine and muskeg.  The views were insane, well worth the vertical hike.

Bull kelp

Sea otters were popping up everywhere. 

View of the harbor and our boat from the shore.
There's no trail - just the path of least resistance.

Brady glacier and the terminal moraine. Mt Fairweather (and Canada) are in the distance.

Lee, sporting some Old Man's Beard. They loved this photo so much that it made the boat's slide show.

It was really hard to get any sort of sunset photos, but the sky was particularly gorgeous this night.


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