Friday, June 21, 2024

Neka Bay

When we planned this trip, we knew that to see Glacier Bay, we would have to spend part of our trip on a boat. The idea of a traditional cruise ship, however, was not ideal for any of us so I researched other options. After looking into various alternatives, we finally decided on a company call unCruise. We spent seven days on the Wilderness Discoverer, a 190 foot boat with 71 passengers and 28 crew members. It was an incredible experience - each day, we were up by 6am and it was rare that we were in bed before 10pm. The food was incredible, the people were incredibly interesting and the excursions were unbelievable.  Our first day on board, we awoke to a single whale, slapping its tail at us over and over for 20 minutes.  We then learned (or relearned) how to kayak, spending the afternoon paddling around beautiful Neka Bay.

Leaving Juneau on the first night 

Hanging out on deck.
Just as we finished our kayak, the weather took a very rough turn - it only last for a short time and the end result was a gorgeous rainbow.