Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Summer Vacation 2020

We took our usual summer vacation to Rye, New Hampshire in July, but the vacation was anything but "usual".  Only Kathleen and Peter were brave enough to visit us (and only for a part of a day) at the beach and so our days were a bit more lonely.  We changed up our routines so that we started our days on the beach very early, but headed back to the house not long after noon.  We went out for very early dinners and then ended up back on the beach for a sunset walk every night.  Although it was quieter, we were surprised to find that we had a really wonderful time, just the four of us.

Hampton Beach is always a favorite.
Lee has never lost.....

Emily was obsessed with the seagulls this year.

The girls swam all day, every day, from one end of Wallis Sands to the other.  The water was the perfect temperature, if just a bit cold.

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