Tuesday, April 21, 2020

COVID-19 Diaries: Week Six

Well, another week of "quarantine" is over and we are still moving along.  The girls had vacation last week, so they had the chance to sleep in every morning, which they loved.  We missed seeing our families on Easter Sunday - we've only missed one Easter in New Hampshire in the last twenty years so it was a little tough on all of us.  Fortunately, it was a beautiful day and the girls spent a lot of time in the yard playing.  Mid-week, Emily and her soccer besties did a socially distant birthday "party" for one of their teammates, who they haven't seen in almost six weeks.  It was good for all of our souls to see her and her family.  This week, the girls are back to school work and the big day for all of us is April 23rd - when the CIAC meets to discuss the fate of spring high school sports in Connecticut.  At its last meeting, it held out hope for sports seasons that ran through July, so we are praying for positive news on this one.
Easter baskets. 

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