Tuesday, April 14, 2020

COVID-19 Diaries: Week Five

At this point in the lockdown, we seem to have finally settled into a routine that is working for all of us.  Everyone is exercising a lot, which I think is keeping our spirits high.  We were lucky this week with several days of sunny but chilly weather - the kind of weather that makes for a great night of sleep if you spend time active time outside.  We made a fire after dinner one night during the week, surprising the girls with s'mores, which they loved. I have to say, I'm not looking forward to next week, as the girls are both on spring break so the routine that has been working so well for us might go right out the window.
Parallel play (soccer and lacrosse) - just like when they were little.  

Lee's organizing went to a new level this week - a locker for all of the girls' sports equipment. 
First fire of the spring. 

I saw this on Twitter and sent it to the girls - so hard to stay motivated when there is no firm date for return to sports, but we are so proud of all of the work they are doing.  They both miss playing so much and we miss watching them do what they love. 

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