Friday, July 17, 2015

June Odds and Ends

Some photos from June that didn't make the cut:
When she gives it her all, she is unstoppable.
Emily's premier team has several players from Cromwell and the two teams played each other a few weeks ago.  There was quite a bit of jersey changing during halftime, as the coaches worked out a system of who played for each team and when.  I don't think that anyone was keeping score and at the end, the girls ran across the field as one.  It was really great.

At the end of year lacrosse party, Elizabeth received the Energizer Bunny award from her coaches!
Sometimes, she's still the napper.
Touring Grandpa's gardens.
Snacking on rhubarb. 

Silly girl.
How Lee and I spent our time away from the girls - dinner out every night and a powerlifting competition......

At the pool.....

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