Saturday, July 18, 2015


Elizabeth turns eleven today and as I look back over the last year, I really marvel at the young lady she is becoming.  She continues to excel at school - this year, she began to learn that brains alone are not enough, but that she also needed to work hard - and she did, making both of us proud of how much she accomplished.  She did not like her teacher this year, but pushed through it and continued to do well, regardless of the fact that she felt that there were such low expectations of her.  But now - middle school is on the horizon and she couldn't be more eager.  She continues to be a prolific reader, devouring every book I can find for her.  She has already read more than 150 books this year and there are stacks of books in our house, just waiting for her.  Elizabeth continues to do very well with the flute, making the All State Gala Band this year and always working harder and harder to become a better musician.  She also loves to sing, although a touch of stage fright may prevent her from fully developing that talent - only time will tell.  She had some disappointment on the soccer field, but is starting to come into her own with lacrosse and is willing to try new sports, instead of continuing to be unhappy doing the same old thing.  Elizabeth is extremely sensitive and prone to moodiness, which can make things in our house bit difficult at times - this is something we've seen since toddlerhood, but as she grows, it is harder to manage from a parental perspective.  Despite her fragile feelings, however, she is very strong willed and stubborn.  She is a true and loyal friend, a devoted sister, and a wonderful daughter.  We couldn't ask for anything more. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth,you have made us all you to the moon and back...and more!!! Grammy & Grampy
Nice job, Maureen.