Friday, July 31, 2015

Seven Days of Ice Cream

We all love ice cream and vacation is a time to indulge in what you love!  Over seven days, one or more of us had ice cream and this year, we went to a different place every day!

My annual hot fudge sundae at the Puritan.
Memories Ice Cream (note: those are smalls; next year, go for the kiddie size!).
Lago's Ice Cream, which has quickly become one of our favorites.
The Ice House
Beach Plum (which, over the years, has become our least favorite).
Annabelle's Ice Cream
Izzy's Frozen Yogurt & Ice Cream
These two photos were taken exactly one year apart - what can I say, the girl loves purple!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Vacation 2015

Our annual summer vacation had a bit of a rough started, as I battled food poisoning for a week leading up to our departure and Elizabeth was covered in poison ivy (with the girls sharing a bed on vacation) when we arrived.  Fortunately, the fresh ocean air and salt water cured both of us in relatively short order and we had a great week. The weather was just perfect - not too hot or too cold and the only real rain day was when we left.  We took many long walks on the beach, spent time with our families and enjoyed our time away from work and studies.  We are already counting the days until next year...

Monday, July 27, 2015


Last week, Elizabeth participated in the Theater Arts Program offered by the all-girls Catholic high school.  Two of her good friends from school, as well as a girl from her lacrosse team, were also part of the program.  It was a great way for the girls to get an introduction to the school and a really fun week of theater workshops.  Elizabeth loved every day of it and at the end of the week, the girls did a production of Shrek, Jr., as well as a few other small pieces.  Elizabeth played Lord Farquaad in Shrek, Jr., which was one of the larger parts.  Although I was unable to attend, Lee and Emily reported that she did a really great job.
Ready to go on her last day, dressed in "theater black".
She was a narrator for one of the smaller pieces.

Lord Farquaad

Saturday, July 18, 2015


Elizabeth turns eleven today and as I look back over the last year, I really marvel at the young lady she is becoming.  She continues to excel at school - this year, she began to learn that brains alone are not enough, but that she also needed to work hard - and she did, making both of us proud of how much she accomplished.  She did not like her teacher this year, but pushed through it and continued to do well, regardless of the fact that she felt that there were such low expectations of her.  But now - middle school is on the horizon and she couldn't be more eager.  She continues to be a prolific reader, devouring every book I can find for her.  She has already read more than 150 books this year and there are stacks of books in our house, just waiting for her.  Elizabeth continues to do very well with the flute, making the All State Gala Band this year and always working harder and harder to become a better musician.  She also loves to sing, although a touch of stage fright may prevent her from fully developing that talent - only time will tell.  She had some disappointment on the soccer field, but is starting to come into her own with lacrosse and is willing to try new sports, instead of continuing to be unhappy doing the same old thing.  Elizabeth is extremely sensitive and prone to moodiness, which can make things in our house bit difficult at times - this is something we've seen since toddlerhood, but as she grows, it is harder to manage from a parental perspective.  Despite her fragile feelings, however, she is very strong willed and stubborn.  She is a true and loyal friend, a devoted sister, and a wonderful daughter.  We couldn't ask for anything more. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

June Odds and Ends

Some photos from June that didn't make the cut:
When she gives it her all, she is unstoppable.
Emily's premier team has several players from Cromwell and the two teams played each other a few weeks ago.  There was quite a bit of jersey changing during halftime, as the coaches worked out a system of who played for each team and when.  I don't think that anyone was keeping score and at the end, the girls ran across the field as one.  It was really great.

At the end of year lacrosse party, Elizabeth received the Energizer Bunny award from her coaches!
Sometimes, she's still the napper.
Touring Grandpa's gardens.
Snacking on rhubarb. 

Silly girl.
How Lee and I spent our time away from the girls - dinner out every night and a powerlifting competition......

At the pool.....

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Fourth of July Festivities

This year, we had a pretty active 4th of July, taking in an amazing fireworks display on the third and then attending the Munsters annual party on the river on the 4th.  The hi-light of the party?  Elizabeth won the croquet game, beating everyone, including Mark! :-)
Fireworks selfie.

The winner!