Over the summer, Emily complained that she was having a hard time seeing the television when she sat in certain places. We paid little attention to her, for two reasons: she wasn't squinting or moving any closer to the television and her good friend at school had just gotten glasses and Emily wouldn't stop talking about them, so we thought that she might be faking it. Or looking for attention. Either was a very real possibility. Anyway, when the pediatrician forgot to do the eye exam at her well care visit, I made an appointment with our ophthalmologist. And told him that I thought that Emily was faking it. Turns out, she's not. Now, her eyes are no where near as bad as Elizabeth's, but she still needs glasses. It took almost 45 minutes for her to chose the perfect frame and color but she finally settled on a pair and we picked them up earlier this week. She is a very happy girl and we are a family of four eyes!

While pink is her favorite color, it doesn't look good on her face, so pink frames were out of the running pretty quickly.
Getting measured for the bifocal.
Yes, they are teal. When she first told Lee, he thought that she was joking. Then he thought that I'd lost my mind. If anyone can pull it off, Emily can.
12 eyes bus stop selfie!
I was her age when I got my first pair...baby blue. Very nice, teal one of my favorite colors and my reading glasses are black and teal.
I think we all had glasses in grade school…the only one without is Katie! Hopefully she had Dad's eyes.
E & E both look super cute!!
Auntie K
They are awesome! Nice selection, Emily! All the ladies are looking good. :)
Add me to the team. My glasses are the same shape as Emily's and the inside of the frame is seafoam green or some similar type of color. I got sick of not being able to read anymore. Can't wait to take some Christmas photos together
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