Saturday, March 3, 2012

February Odds and Ends

Random pieces of our life from February:
Scout Sunday - you can just barely see her, two over on Father's left (sort of behind the candle).  She was thrilled to celebrate mass with her fellow scouts.
Emily meditating in her class; seriously, one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time.
Each week, Emily (and her classmates) have sharing - here she is showing off her Wishing Star (the letter W, of course!)
Early in the month, Lee and I went to a Bruins game, which was my anniversary gift to him (back in October).  We had terrific seats and the Bruins won in a shoot out, so it was a great afternoon.
Emily is obsessed with Angry Birds - we gave her this shirt for Valentine's Day and she wears it all the time now!
Elizabeth participated in her school's Invention Convention - she designed, drew and wrote about her invention without any assistance from us.
Swimming the big pool!  Emily no longer wears any sort of bubble and has graduated completely to the big pool.
Elizabeth is learning how to dive and how to do the breast stroke and butterfly!
Elizabeth was selected to read the Responsorial Psalm at Ash Wednesday services.  Lee and I were pretty much bursting with pride as we watched her.  And a big first for both Lee and Elizabeth - receiving ashes!

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