Monday, June 14, 2010

The Haircut

As many of you know, Emily's hair is so long that it has become almost unmanageable.  When wet, it reaches the tops of her thighs and even when it is dry, it falls past her waist.  The tangles are difficult to keep up with and combing it out after her shower can take more than 10 minutes.  Yesterday, two days after she turned four, we finally cut it - more than 8 inches!!!  This was an incredibly emotional experience for me - I was in tears while it was being cut and I would re-attach the ponytail in a heartbeat if I could.  The good news is that Emily loves it - and that we are donating her ponytail to the PonyTail Kids Club, so it will be used to make a wig for another child.
I took these last Sunday when I was doing her hair. 

Measuring it..... 
The big cut!
Very proud! 
Lisa evens it all out. 
If you are wondering what I looked like, I was calm compared to Elizabeth.  Here is a shot of Elizabeth after we calmed her down.  Much to our surprise, Elizabeth was absolutely hysterical about Emily's haircut - she was completely traumatized by the ponytail and was screaming at the top of her lungs.
VERY short hair!! 
Watching Lisa cut Elizabeth's hair - after seeing how traumatized Elizabeth was by Emily's haircut, Lisa only took about five inches off about five inches of Elizabeth's hair.
Emily loves her hair!!  And she looks beautiful!!


Anonymous said...

Her hair looks great! amazing! awesome! and it is still long hair!
where are the photos of Lee jumping for joy?

Janet said...

She looks so adorable and happy.