Monday, September 14, 2020

9th and 11th

The beginning of school looked very different this year, but the girls seem to be making the most of it.  Emily had a 1/2 day of orientation and then a 1/2 day of school (freshmen only); two days later, Elizabeth had a 1/2 day of school (juniors only).  The following week, they had two days of class that were remote, and two that were in person, so that the school could address any issues with remote learning (which some students have opted to do for the semester or the year) and ease into full time school.  Finally, the whole school came together and so far (knock on wood) they have been able to attend full time, five days a week.  The daily schedule has changed and includes mask breaks and few daily classes, but everyone seems to have adjusted very well. The girls said there are no issues with masks - the kids all want to be in school so badly, they are following every rule.  They are both so happy to be with their friends and learning in the classroom again.

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