Tuesday, June 23, 2020

COVID-19 Diaries: Week 15

I definitely got off track with what I thought were going to be weekly summaries of our pandemic life.  It got a little bit difficult to write about nothing and/or the same thing every week.  But we are starting to edge closer to normal here in Connecticut.  Our governor, of whom I am no fan, has done a tremendous job, both with the closings and the gradual re-openings.  We are a few days into Stage II of re-opening and that means the playing fields are starting to open up, practices are beginning to resume and the girls' lives are starting to look a little bit more normal.  The Y opened for customers on Monday and Lee is back to the Fitness Center, although he will not be training clients for a while. As for me, it looks like we will not be going back to the office for several more months, although I am planning to go in one day this week.
Admitted Students' Night was held via Zoom this year, but that didn't seem to bother Emily. 
She was a pro with NWC trivia and won first place - and a sweet Vineyard Vines bag! 
Lots of sunbathing in the backyard.... 
Emily's work was featured in the virtual Middle School Art Show 

Memorial Day festivities with our "COVID pod" of friends.  Our girls workout together 2-3 days a week and we've been playing by the rules since March and so when the governor began easing restrictions, we were able to get together for some fun after the girls' morning workout. 

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