Tuesday, March 31, 2020

COVID-19 Diaries: Week Three

Although we started the week thinking that Lee would be filing for unemployment, he continues to pick up maintenance hours, which keeps the paycheck coming (thankfully).  The longer we can keep at least most (minus the personal training clients) of his paycheck coming, the better off we are.
Although they finished another week of school without seeing their friends, the girls seem to be powering through this like champs.  Elizabeth has had some anxious moments but Emily is very upbeat. The other night, Emily told me that she's doing okay because she knows that "eventually, even if it takes a year, things will get back to normal. And the earth is sooo happy right now - clear skies and clear water."  They continue to run together every afternoon and play lacrosse or soccer almost every day.  I think that I am struggling the most, trying to transition to working from home (which I do not like at all) and constantly looking at Twitter for information.  It is difficult for control freaks like me when absolutely nothing is in my control!
Emily does a virtual workout with some of her soccer teammates every morning. 
Before logging on for morning classes. 
Heading out for a run together. 
Voice lessons via Zoom 

Hours of soccer in the yard when the weather is nice. 
Willis has taken over the yoga mat.

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