Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Biggest Tree

After having some success locally last year, we decided again to try to find a tree at a farm near our house.  Last Sunday, we struck out hard at 6 different tree farms, which was so disappointing.  Having seen a few really nice (read: big) trees on my friends' Facebook pages, I knew that we were going have to put in some miles if we want to get what I wanted.  We took the girls out of school a little early on Monday and drove about an hour to Maple Row Farm.  Not surprisingly, we pretty much had the place to ourselves, and we found a really great tree.  When we got home, we realized that might be just a little bit too fact, it's definitely the biggest tree we've ever had, but we love it!

My husband is such a comedian. 

Here she is, in all of her glory....
View from outside.


Anonymous said...

a room just for the Christmas tree...I have no comment, lost for words!-Grammy

Anonymous said...

Next year you might cut a hole in the ceiling......