Thursday, December 8, 2016

SCP Play Day

The CFC 05 girls were invited to participate in a local play day hosted by South Central Premier.  The team played three 1/2 hour games in a giant "bubble" indoor facility.  The three 06 girls on the team started all three games and played very well.  Emily received a lot more playing time than we could have anticipated.  The speed of the 05 game is significantly faster than what they are used to but they had no trouble keeping up with the pace.  We are so proud of our girls!

After the game.
Rylan, Emily and Abby (06 girls) 
Their coach is very serious, but apparently, he cannot dab and he cannot do some other strange dance move (which is hilarious, because the guy played on the U-20 national team).  Every once in a while, you see him trying to do it and the girls all instructing him.  Here are Emily and Abby after the last game and mini dance-off on the field.

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