Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Scenes from Choate

We recently got a new computer and when I finagled the settings, I somehow (unintentionally) enabled the cloud for Elizabeth's iPod.  As a result, the photos that she takes while at Choate go the Photos on our Mac whenever she is near wifi (I have no clue how this is happening).  She's not taking a ton a pictures (thankfully, we'd rather that she focus on school and friends), but here are a few of them.
Like a lot of boarding schools, Choate has several campus dogs.  She loves this one (perhaps because this is the kind of dog Lee wants to get....)

Edith actually has her own Facebook page.....
Not sure about this whole pre-sport selfie, but she is 11, after all. 
On Wednesday, she and five of her friends walked to town (!!!!) and went to a sweet shop for drinks.  She got some sort of a milkshake; one of her friends got bubble tea - apparently, it wasn't as good as the bubble tea she normally has at home - in Hong Kong!  Last night, she told us that many of her friends are from Hong Kong.  These are the stories/experiences that make Lee and me so happy.
With her roommate at the middle school dance on Saturday night.
More from the dance.
Headed to Boston.

With her friends in Boston on Sunday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...