Although he was initially disappointed, Lee has come around to the fact that it wasn't a wasted day. He fell short of the goals that he set for himself, but yet still did better than he'd ever done before. During the meet, our friend Nick pointed out that when you are always chasing PRs (always trying to do better than the last competition, never settling for what you've already accomplished), these competitions are extremely difficult. On Monday morning, Greg Panora (one of the greatest powerlifters of all time), who lifted as part of The Refuge on Sunday, posted a great line on Facebook: "Powerlifting is not a sport of how much u can do, it's a sport of how much can u do on that day." Regardless of what you can do in training, it all comes down to what you can pull together over 9 lifts on one long day. We are incredibly proud of all that Lee has accomplished.
Lee actually missed his opener of 575 lbs. (the judges said that he didn't break parallel) and in a genius move, Nick stuck with their plan and moved him right up to 610 lbs. "We didn't come here to lift less than 600 lbs."
I am totally amazed each and every time I watch this. I had a new audience at work with who to share this time…equally amazed! Go Lee!!
What people don't see are the other guys lifting this same amount...I sat there and watched a few Sasquatch size guys do the same thing. Looking at what Lee weighs and how big these other guys were make it more impressive to me. He made us proud...again...still.
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