Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Last Recital

Emily's Irish step dance recital was on Saturday and I think that after nine years of traditional dance and Irish dance, we may have attended our last recital (gasp!).  Emily loves Irish dance and we think that she's very good at it, but she highly dislikes attending classes and is ready to move on to something else - or, in her case, ready to have a day of rest during the week. 
Like last year, the show was nothing short of spectacular.  The younger children are good, but the older students are simply amazing.  This year's performance featured four world medalists (top 5 finishers in the world) - Griffith Academy has a ton of talent, no doubt about it.

Irish dance costume.


Some of the older students.

Our beautiful girl.


Unknown said...

ok, I cannot lie…I am more than a little disappointed that Irish dance is coming to an end. I love the videos of Elizabeth playing the flute and videos of Emily Irish Dancing…All I can say is, I should be getting lots of Flute videos now!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Auntie Kathy, I am sad as well. I'm sure whatever she moves on to, she will do well. I love Irish dancing and it was nice to see her taking it on since it is not an easy thing. ;o(( love, Grammy