Sunday, April 19, 2015

Betta* Fish

About a week ago, I came home from work to find this at my place on the table:

Elizabeth decided that she wanted a fish and did the research to prove to us that she was responsible enough to have one and would take of it herself.  And, of course, Emily jumped on the bandwagon immediately.  Elizabeth researched the cost of everything - fish, tank, supplies, etc. - and put it all into her "manifesto" to persuade us that she should be allowed to use her own money to do this.  We (I) caved after much discussion and brought them to pick out fish.
Selecting the perfect fish.
Emily's fish, Orca.  Yes, she knows that an orca is a whale.  No, she doesn't care.
Elizabeth's fish, Mr. Ruby.  It's been a bit touch and go with Mr. Ruby, as he initially didn't eat.  He seems to be coming around now.

I can't figure out who she gets this list-making from....
*When I originally did this post, I apparently spelled the type of fish incorrectly - Beta, instead of the proper Betta.  As Elizabeth pointed out to me, "It's a type of fish, not the name of Daddy's fraternity." 


Sandra said...

Hmm, are Mike and Elizabeth communicating. Her manifesto and list look strangely familiar. Congrats on your new pets.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! All I can say!