Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Graduate

In mid-June, my oldest niece graduated from high school as co-valedictorian!  Although we couldn't make it to the ceremony (it rained, so there were not enough tickets for everyone), her family held a graduation party for her last weekend which was great fun.  The girls loved hanging out with their cousins and it was nice to see Meghan in her element.
Meghan's graduation cap.

Playing badminton.
Several games of "across toss" - or something like that.

Her cousins found these goofy frames for Emily and she insisted on wearing them all day so that she could fit in (Meghan, Jillian and Elizabeth wear glasses).

The girls helping Auntie Karen with the cake.

First time cousins from both sides of the family met.  Lots of frisbee and badminton games seem to suggest that they got along just fine.
My parents and their granddaughters.
Meghan and her aunts.

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