Sunday, April 28, 2013

Connecticut River Museum

We try to take some interesting day trips during school vacation week but this year, we fell a bit short. The weather did not cooperate on the day that I was able to take off from work, so we were a bit limited.  We did manage, however, to squeeze in a few hours in Essex, Connecticut and visit the Connecticut River Museum.  The museum is small but interesting - we learned that during the War of 1812, the British advanced up the Connecticut River from the Sound and burned two American ships, right at the site of the museum.  The town still bears the evidence of this battle in 1814, from musket balls to bullets, many of which were on display in the museum.
Bushnell's Turtle - the first submarine (below).

Remnants of battle in 1814. 
Steering a ship. 
Elizabeth's wing span isn't nearly as long as an eagle's. 

Checking out the river. 
We strolled around downtown Essex after visiting the museum - this is beautiful St. John's Episcopal Church. 

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