The assembly was really great. The principal recognized Students of the Month from each grade, as well as the academic and social performance of several students (awards included "doing great independent math work" and "being a good friend to her classmates"). Emily received an award for making improvement in her journal writing. Kindergarteners write in their journals each week and the progress that she has made since the beginning of the year (with her handwriting, her spelling, and transferring ideas from her imagination to paper) has been remarkable. Lee, Elizabeth and I are so proud of her and she was so honored to be rewarded for her hard work!
So happy that we were there to see her get her award!
Just in case anyone is wondering - no, I did not know about the assembly before sending her off to school that day. If I had, she would have been in a dress, not an Angry Birds t-shirt!!
Proudly showing us her certificate.