Sunday, April 10, 2011


The new powerlifting rankings, kept by Powerlifting Watch, came out this morning.  Lee is currently ranked 32nd in the country for his weight class (regardless of age) in the bench press.  I think that I was much more excited about this, high-fiving him in the kitchen while we were making breakfast.  Seriously, he is far too modest.  Way to go, Lee - we are so proud of you!!  Additionally, all five members of the The Refuge that received a first place trophy at the last meet - Adam, Nick, Brian, Matt and Lee - are nationally ranked.  Pretty impressive for a small gym with no heat and a leaking roof!
For some reason, this printed very light, but I hi-lighted his name.


Ellen said...

Wow - that's phenomenal! Congrats!

Natalia Blanchfield said...

thats awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally Awesome!!!