Monday, March 2, 2009

Student of the Week

This week, Elizabeth is Student of the Week at her preschool (grandparents, don't get too excited - every kid in the class gets the chance).  She has been looking forward to this week since the Student of the Week program started, planning her poster and the items that she will bring in to show the class.  Now that the time has finally arrived, she is just about bursting with excitement.  Over the weekend, we helped her make her poster, filling in information about her likes, dislikes, wishes and family.  She did a lot of the writing herself (we helped her with the spelling), which is new for us.  Each day, she gets to bring in one of her toys or favorite things to show to or share with the class.  It's a very exciting week in our house (despite the fact that school was cancelled today, the very first day of her reign)!!
Still working on the Z, but it's pretty good.
Here we are.  That circle between Daddy and Elizabeth?  Ollie.

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