Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Seinfeld Post

Seinfeld was a show about nothing, so this is a post about nothing...which is basically what is going on in our lives right now - nothing. The snow on the ground got a healthy coating of ice on Wednesday, so any attempt to play outside results in someone falling down - hard - within seconds. Plus, it's so darn cold that the girls are literally freezing within a few minutes. Because it's winter, the girls' social activities just aren't what they usually are - no interesting school activities, no parties, no play dates - I feel like I'm going to forget how to use my camera, I've taken so few pictures over the last week or so! We've just been trying to hold it together - basically trying not to become a scene out of "The Shining." And so, we have absolutely nothing to report. So, we're just letting you know that we have nothing to report....

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