Saturday, January 17, 2009

Groton Alumni Games

Last Sunday, we drove through the remnents of another snow storm (for those of you keeping count, we're 4 for 4) to watch Lee play in the annual Groton Alumni games. This is a great event fpr our family, as Lee gets the chance to catch up with some of his high school friends and the rest of us get the chance to see him play hockey (usually, his games are so late at night that we can't go). This year, there were more returning graduates than ever and we got to see a great game - made even greater by the fact that Lee scored two goals! The game was totally action packed, which not only kept the girls' interest, but gave me the chance to try my hand at a little action photography.

The beautiful and historic Groton School.

Lee is always easy to pick out in his green pants.

"Hi Daddy!" and "Go, Daddy, go" were the biggest chants from our section.

The aftermath of one of Lee's two goals - the other was a break-away and I was totally unprepared.

The annual after-the-game shot.

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