Lest you think that we favor Emily, here is a list of Elizabeth-isms:
* she loves to dance. Anytime. Anyplace. Any song.
* she loves to eat. Anytime. Anyplace. Pizza, Grammy cookies and cupcakes are up there as favorites; bagels, steak and cheese are not far behind. At this point, however, Elizabeth is not a big fan of "adult food" - like anything with red sauce, most fish (she does love swordfish) , and noodles (excluding Kraft mac n cheese, of course!).
* she loves patterns - lately, she has really enjoyed discovering the patterns of life. Elizabeth has always been a creature of routine and the idea of patterns really work with routine - "Mama, the pattern is preschool, Y, preschool, Y, preschool." Or "the pattern is wash hair, don't wash hair, wash hair, don't wash hair."
* she recognizes almost every letter in the alphabet and reads the time on the (digital) clock to me in the morning. She can also just about write her name, all nine letters!
* she is very creative and keep herself occupied for hours at a time, coloring or pretending with her collection of princesses and little people; yet there are times when she cannot seem to entertain herself for even five minutes.
* she is an amazingly well-behaved little girl. Except when she throws tantrums. And then, the full force of the sun, moon and stars seems to be with her and everyone in the vicinity pays dearly.
* she cannot watch Noggin before bed because everytime she does, she throws a HORRIBLE temper tantrum about going to bed. But Noggin is the only channel that seems to cause this reaction.
* she elicits the most amazing range of emotions from Lee and I - sheer delight, exasperation, amazement, complete and utter anger; we already feel badly for our future son-in-law.
* she is a wonderful tattletale (gee, I wonder who she gets that from). Every night, we get the scoop on the preschool kids and teachers. I can only imagine what she's telling them about us....
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