Over Labor Day Weekend, the Magic 06 girls played in the Bernie Ward Labor Day Shootout. They
won this tournament last year, surprising themselves and their families and they had high hopes going into this year's tournament. Those hopes were dashed in the first game of the weekend, when the girls lost 3-1 to the FSA CT team, a premier team that they had beat in the past. It was an 8 am game and the girls got off to a slow start and never quite recovered - Emily was at a wedding the night before and actually took a three hour nap after the game. In the second game, Emily scored a hat trick (3 goals) in the first five minutes, leading her team to a 7-0 win. Based on the results of the other games, and the fact that Magic had a loss, it was pretty clear that there was no way they could make it to the championship game. On Sunday morning, they played some of their best soccer in a long time in a very physical, very wet and dreary game. Emily scored the game winner with ten seconds left in the game and the coach told the girls to stick around for 10 minutes, just to see how the bracket shook out. Improbably, the FSA CT team tied the team that our girls beat 7-0, which made Magic the only team in the bracket with 2 wins. Some kids had already left and had to be called back for the final game. The final game ended 2-2; it was still 2-2 after the first overtime; and then 3-3 after the second overtime, with another last second goal for Magic. The game went to PKs and Emily was the second player to go for Magic - although it should have ended after 5, they were tied again and it actually went down to the final of the 9 field players. The Magic goalie made her PK and then blocked the other team's PK for the win, 4-3. Despite the pouring rain and difficult field conditions, it was the most exciting game the girls have ever played and we've ever watched. No doubt about it, they earned the championship!

Emily didn't play her best or her worst on Saturday, but she was itching for a rematch after her nap, as she knew they could have played much better.
After her hat trick, Emily played most the game at center midfielder and defender, which are positions she doesn't often play but can always use more experience at.
Lee and I were extraordinary proud of her play in this game. She worked tirelessly to get the ball to the newest member of her team, constantly encouraging her and building her confidence. We told her that we were far more proud of her for that than for all of the goals she scored.
Emily was a maniac on Sunday morning, and no number of hits from the other team could take her down.
This is the photo I took of her scoring the game winner - and what is becoming a bit of a running joke with the Magic parents because this is usually what goal scoring shots look like.
Emily worked tirelessly, playing almost the entire game (after only a few minutes of rest during the first game as well), plus both overtimes.
Emily has taken four PKs in games and she's 0-4. Until today. When it counted the most.
Running to their goalie at the end.
Their game was the second in the row to end in PKs on this field and the had to get off of the field quickly as the championship games were running far behind. In a crazy coincidence, the game before Magic featured my co-worker's son winning in PKs.
Coach Goran impressing upon the girls that when you prepare and train to work hard until the final whistle, you become champions.
Getting her medal.
Middletown Magic 06 Girls - back to back Bernie Ward Labor Day Shootout Champions!!