The girls were losing 3-0 to Avon with 15 minutes left in the game and were able to pull it together and win the game, 6-3.
Emily scored the only goals in a 2-0 win over Berlin.
Hard fought 4-3 win over Enfield, a team that clean their clocks last year.
Hard fought 1-0 win over Ridgefield in their first Connecticut Cup game.
Coach Goran sent them on the victory run to the parents after the big win against Ridgefield.
On the premier side, we are very happy with her play at CFC as well. Her coach approached me after her first practice and told me that she and her sporty bestie Abby should make a partial move up to the next age group. They now practice one night a week with each team and they are rostered on both teams for games. This has really given her a lot of confidence and both girls look like they belong on the 05 team. Neither is used to not starting, nor are they used to having a coach that gets mad when the team is winning, but they have moved up to a more difficult level of playing, coaching and strategy. On Sunday, Emily had an assist in the 05 game and played almost the entire second half, which is a lot more playing time than we expected her to get.
First game with the 05s
Playing hard for the 06s.
First assist for the 05s.
Emily and Abby are two peas in a pod, waiting to go into the game.