Tuesday, March 29, 2016


We had a very busy Easter Sunday.  The girls got up early to check out their Easter baskets and then we got ready and headed to New Hampshire to spend some time with both sides of the family.  Then it was back to Connecticut (we beat the traffic, yeah!) for a low key dinner.

Never seen a kid so happy about a new Fitbit!
It's not an iPhone, but this new iPod should get us to high school without another phone line.
Sea glass and sand dollars from Aunt Denise.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

All State

Last weekend, Elizabeth participated in the Connecticut Future Musicians All State concert.  It was a quite a show, with five different groups performing. This year, Elizabeth was a member of the Concert Band. She qualified to audition for the Concert and Symphonic bands by participating in Regional Honors Band in the fall.  On the day of that concert, she received her audition music - five different pieces, plus scales - and worked on that music until late January, when she auditioned for All State.  She made Concert Band and immediately began working on the songs for the concert.  The band practiced three hours every Friday night and Saturday morning in March and by the day of the concert, sound really good.  Elizabeth was the only person from her school to audition, so she didn't know anyone else in the band, but she really loved the music they played, as well as her conductor.  The concert was really great and we can't wait to see what she does next with the flute!

Concert Band
Performing at Central Connecticut State University.
Every concert = band geek swag.

Pay no attention to the saxophone that squeaked through the entire song.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

NEFC Tournament

Emily played in the NEFC Tournament over the second weekend in March.  Her team played three games - they lost all three in spectacular fashion, which was very disappointing for the girls (never mind the parents, who drove hundreds of miles over the two days!).  Emily played really well in the first two games - during two halfs in net, she allowed only two goals on 17 shots and just about every save she made was spectacular.  She even saved two goals while playing defense in one of the games.  Her third game was a let down - the other team got an easy first goal off of her and she let it get to her head and had a hard time recovering, both in net and on the field. Every game is a learning experience and hopefully, she will take some of what she learned and continue to better herself.

 Uncle Peter and Auntie Kathy drove down to watch one of Emily's game.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Elizabeth had a great first basketball season - she really enjoyed it.  She got better with every game and figured out the game a bit more every time she played.  She even scored a few times!  Her coach is really amazing - the perfect first coach for a kid like her.  At one of our games, he showed his fiery side and got a technical foul - but in his defense, we were losing by 27 in the 4th quarter and Rebecca Lobo (yes, that Rebecca Lobo) was having her girls press.....
First free throw - she missed, but most kids this age miss.  It was close....

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

February Odds and Ends

Photos that didn't make it to February posts:
Lunch with my mom and my sister.
School spirit day - blue hair!
The four of us spend A LOT of time together, with Elizabeth and Laila playing four sports together this year.  Good thing we get along so well! 

This is some serious tiredness!
These two at the pet store.....
I can't take him anywhere!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Father Daughter Dance

The girls and Lee went to the annual Father Daughter Dance the last weekend in January (so, I'm a bit behind on my posts...).  They had a great time with their friends.  This is definitely one of the girls' favorite events and a great way to kick off Catholic Schools Week!

Emily and her 4th grade besties.

Friday, March 4, 2016


Yesterday was a big day on Clover as Elizabeth was accepted as a boarding student for a two week writing program at Choate Rosemary Hall this summer.  Choate is one of the top five boarding schools in the country and has a very robust summer program.  Elizabeth did some research into this program and approached us about applying.  She met with two teachers and her principal to secure letters of recommendation, completed the application and submitted a personal statement.  And then we waited.  The acceptance letter she received says, in part: “We appreciate your family’s interest in our program, applaud Elizabeth’s achievement and potential, and look forward to welcoming you on campus as a boarding student….”  I wish that I could have been at home when she saw the letter, but Lee tells me that she was beyond excited.
We have a few years to go before high school decisions begin to loom, but something tells me that this experience is going to make her yearn for bigger and better things.  #andsobeginstheprepschooljourney

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Madness

The first few months of the year have been a bit overwhelming for us - the lack of posts to the Clover Street Chronicles is a direct result of two busy girls and two overworked parents.  I am going to try to get back on track in March, but considering what's on the calendar, that may be unlikely.  February brought us soccer games, basketball games, lacrosse practices, All State Band tryouts and two trips to New Hampshire (by different parts of the family), plus a few snow storms.  March brings the close of the second trimester (middle school nerves are at their peak as she tries to make high honors for the second time in a row), 7 All State rehearsals and a concert, the Invention Convention (for both girls), 8 soccer games plus a soccer tournament in Massachusetts, lacrosse conditioning (for both girls), basketball practices, and seven soccer practices a week (between the two girls).  Elizabeth was just accepted as a flute student at the Hartt School of Music, so Lee will be bringing her up to Hartford one afternoon a week for lessons.  We are hanging on - successfully having family dinners every night and spending Friday and Saturday evenings watching movies and catching up on our DVR'd shows, but I think that we could all use a bit of a break.  Already looking forward to the end of the month.....
Enjoying their first ever Shamrock Shakes!