Thursday, April 30, 2015


In honor of Emily's first communion this weekend, Emily and I wearing the same first communion dress, 32 years apart....
May 1983
April 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015

The Wizard of Oz

The girls were in their school play this weekend, The Wizard of Oz.  The senior members of the cast did an amazing job - the Friday evening performance was literally flawless - and the rest of the cast members did a wonderful job as well.  Both girls played munchkins -Emily was a ballerina, and Elizabeth played both a fiddler and a polisher.  They had a great time although after a week of rehearsals every day and two late shows Friday and Saturday evening, I am not sad to say goodbye to the play for the year.

Emily - far left - in her ballerina scene.
Elizabeth and her 5th grade friends were fiddlers.
The wicked witch is new to the school this year, a transfer student from Italy.  A wicked witch with an Italian accent!  She was so great.
The polishers.

One of the final scenes, which includes both E and E.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

First weekend of soccer

Both girls started playing spring (outdoor) soccer last week and it was a glorious weekend for outdoor sports.  The temperatures reached almost 80 during Elizabeth's Catholic School League games on Saturday and although Emily's game was early on Sunday morning, it was still in high 50's, bright and sunny. I do love soccer and I really love watching my girls run outside.  They both played incredibly well, which was great for their confidence and fun to watch.

Elizabeth is a different kind of player for JPII.  She is confident in her abilities and knows that she can get the job done.  It's amazing to watch the difference between how she plays for her school and how she plays for her travel team, where she is more timid and worried that she will make a mistake.

Clearly not intimidated by size at all.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Throw In

The girls had their first soccer games over the weekend (which will be covered in a later post), but I do love a good photo sequence, and Emily does have an amazing throw in for an 8 year old.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Betta* Fish

About a week ago, I came home from work to find this at my place on the table:

Elizabeth decided that she wanted a fish and did the research to prove to us that she was responsible enough to have one and would take of it herself.  And, of course, Emily jumped on the bandwagon immediately.  Elizabeth researched the cost of everything - fish, tank, supplies, etc. - and put it all into her "manifesto" to persuade us that she should be allowed to use her own money to do this.  We (I) caved after much discussion and brought them to pick out fish.
Selecting the perfect fish.
Emily's fish, Orca.  Yes, she knows that an orca is a whale.  No, she doesn't care.
Elizabeth's fish, Mr. Ruby.  It's been a bit touch and go with Mr. Ruby, as he initially didn't eat.  He seems to be coming around now.

I can't figure out who she gets this list-making from....
*When I originally did this post, I apparently spelled the type of fish incorrectly - Beta, instead of the proper Betta.  As Elizabeth pointed out to me, "It's a type of fish, not the name of Daddy's fraternity." 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Winter Soccer

Last Sunday was the last day of indoor soccer and after driving (1/2 hour each way) to three games every weekend since late November, I am more than ready for it to be over!  The girls both enjoyed playing and both had two milkshake games, so it was a successful season for both of them, but even they are excited to back outside.  There are four games on the calendar for this weekend, so we will be back into the swing of things in no time.  See you on the pitch!

#milkshakegame !!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

March Odds and Ends

Some photos from March....
All State Gala Band Rehearsal
After the best soccer game I've ever seen this girl or her team play.  They lost 8-0, but the score was no indication of the heart, soul, spirit, talent and togetherness they showed.  Cannot wait to be back outside on the pitch!
Rosa Parks book report and social studies puppet project.
Our tradition this winter was dinner out every time we had heavy snowfall - not sure why, but it just seemed to work out that way.  We ran into Officer Friendly (Mr. Nick) on our last snowy dinner out (which was in March, if you can believe it).
We don't have a lot of drama in our house but when we do, we go big.  She looks perfectly fine here, reading in the Emergency Room, after her first ambulance ride (which occurred after her first - and only, we hope - seizure).