The girls started a new school year today - entering 3rd and 5th grade, respectively. I can't believe it. This summer really seemed to fly by and suddenly, it's over. They were both so excited to go this morning, hopping up and down with anticipation at the bus stop. I hope that the excitement about school lasts forever!
Special breakfast for the first day - cinnamon buns - but back to cereal tomorrow.
This year, I've decided to put a note - inspiring, funny, famous quote - in their lunch boxes every day. I thought that this one was a good way to start the year.
Poor kid is suffering from severe poison ivy on her face, neck, chest and legs and was up half the night last night. You can't even tell in these photos, her happiness about school shines through instead. That, and the topical cream is finally working!
Special "big kid" Sperry's for the 5th grader.
3rd grader!
Craziness while waiting for the bus.
And they're off!
A great way to start the day!
Welcome and opening prayer.
Some of the 5th grade girls.
Some of the 3rd grade girls.