Friday, June 27, 2014

Last Day of School

I blinked, and suddenly, second and fourth grade were over.

Emily was selected to do a reading at Awards Day.
JPII JV Soccer
Emily received the Creative Problem Solver award.
Elizabeth received the Christian Leadership award.
Singing with Father Ricky
Fourth Grade - class party

So many certificates!  What a year for Elizabeth!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Literary Tea

Each year, the Russell Library sponsors the Edna and Benjamin Shenker Creative Writing contest.  The contest is open to children in grades 1-8 that live in our city.  This year, the topic was "I was floating in the sea when..." and Elizabeth decided to enter the contest.  She wrote a two page story (typed, single spaced) about becoming a mermaid and battling giant squid while riding on a sea horse.  I thought that she did a pretty good job, but I don't really have any idea what kind of writing fourth graders are capable of.  She submitted her entry in late April and at the end of the first week of June, received a letter from the Russell Library notifying her that she had the top essay for all third and fourth graders in the city.  Our family was invited to the Shenker Literary Tea to meet and celebrate the other winners.
The school was so proud of Elizabeth - this photo and a write up is posted on the school website and an email went home to all of the families announcing her accomplishment. We received several notes and emails from school families, expressing how proud they are of Elizabeth.

Receiving her award.
She refused to take a photo with the mayor, but did pose for me.

Emily and Lee were just happy that there were so many treats to snack on......
Marie always comes to our girls' special events!
Reading Elizabeth's winning essay.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Eight is Great!

Emily's birthday fell in the middle of the very chaotic last week of school, so we didn't have a lot of time to celebrate.  As the second child, it's not very often that Emily gets to be the center of attention, so despite not being "birthday people", we did our very best to make her feel very special on her 8th birthday!!!
At the beginning of the school year, the teachers encouraged healthy birthday snacks, but by the last week of school, they've pretty much thrown in the towel.  I made chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with homemade frosting color to Emily's exact specifications.  The two-toned frosting cupcake on the far right was for the birthday girl.
Instead of her usual weekday breakfast, I woke up early and made cinnamon buns - she was thrilled!
Birthday = no uniform (of course, it was Fly Up day, so no one had to wear a uniform that day).
Elizabeth brought her flute to school and serenaded Emily with Happy Birthday in front of her class.
Passing out cupcakes with her teacher.
I was the mystery reader in her class that day, something she has been begging me to do all year. In my defense, I was scheduled to do it two times, but both times, it got cancelled (field trip and snow day).  She was very happy that I was not only the mystery reader, but in the classroom for her celebration.
The girls both had soccer practice - at which Emily provided both teams with birthday cookies - so we had a small celebration when they got home.

The girls desperately want an alarm clock and Emily loved this one from the Lego movie.  She was so pumped when she opened it!
Frozen soundtrack from Elizabeth - she's actually singing "Let it Go" right here.  It's been on repeat in the CD player since she opened it.
No one does bling like our Emily and when I saw these rings on Etsy, I knew she would love them.
Brownies from Auntie Sandra and Uncle Mike.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

May Odds and Ends

Some photos that didn't quite make it into a post in May:
Crowning of Mary
Elizabeth and I, after the Magic's big win over Avon on Mother's Day. All of the players presented their mothers with a rose after the game.
Me, my sister and my mom enjoyed a belated Mother's Day lunch at Hanover Street Chop House - it was an awesome way to spend an afternoon.
Kathleen and I twinning at Alapage - where we went after the Chop House. Yes, we are wearing the exact same outfit, which we both now own. 
Baxter and Emily on Baxter's two year anniversary of adoption.
Elizabeth and some of the girls on her soccer team took a cupcake baking class at a local specialty supermarket.  They had a blast!

Elizabeth and her pals.
Elizabeth found this women's lacrosse jacket at the Groton bookstore - she's obsessed with lacrosse and now obsessed with Groton, so she was delighted to find it.
Two nappers on the way home from Groton - that looks so painful!
Tired girl.
Opening weekend at the pool club.
Me and Sarah at the Y Annual Meeting.  Sarah was asked to speak about her Y experience and gave a terrific speech.  She spoke about the three things the Y has given her, the third of which was friendship - with me! (it is a little known fact that Lee set us up on a blind running date four years ago - a huge success on his part!)  I was moved to tears by her words.  I am so lucky to have Sarah in my life.