Lee's 20 year high school reunion was last Saturday and we spent the day at the Groton School. The weather was gorgeous and we were able to reconnect with some of his closest friends from high school, which was wonderful. They are such wonderful people and have married the most amazing women - it was just such a great way to spend a Saturday. My conversations with two other spouses over dinner will stay in my heart for a long, long time. Lee really enjoyed seeing so many old friends (some who he hasn't seen in 20 years!), as well as showing the girls his old stomping grounds.
The School House was definitely one of the favorites.
The girls enjoyed finding Lee's name (and Uncle Mike's) on the wall.
Elizabeth has become obsessed with Groton School over the last month or so, and peppered Lee with endless questions. She has her heart set on going there for high school already.
Groton School boasts many distinguished alumni (including Lee, of course) and Elizabeth was determined to find President Roosevelt's name - and she did!
Lee's name is also engraved on a trophy in the Athletic Center, as he won an award for sportsmanship and character his last year. This discovery led to a wonderful conversation about how important character is - even more important that being the best athlete.
St. John's Chapel
On the steps of the chapel.
Class of 1994 photo
The 2nd generation, trying to break into one of their dads' old dorms. We were eventually successful.
In the library.
Hanging out at the boat house.
A little soccer before dinner.