Friday, August 30, 2013

Bronx Zoo

During the last full week of summer vacation, we made a trip to the Bronx Zoo.  If I'm being honest, I have to admit that I have a love/hate relationship with zoos.  I want them to be filled with exotic and interactive animals, but at the same time, I don't think it's right that exotic animals are outside of their habitat and stuck in a zoo.  I know, I know - I'm crazy.  Anyway, over the years we have heard so many amazing things about the Bronx Zoo we decided to make the trip.  The zoo was great - so huge that we were exhausted from walking by the end of the day, filled with all sorts of animals - but when we talked about it on the way home, all four of us said that we would not be interested in making a return trip.  Considering that we are all huge animal lovers, I'm not sure why we didn't "click" with the Bronx Zoo, but one visit was enough.

Not a statue, but acting like one. 

Pere David (a breed of deer once on the brink of extinction) getting into a scuffle. 
The tiger feeding, which we just happened to stumble upon, was the hi-light of the day. 

On the monorail. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Family BBQ

Our annual family BBQ (Feed Your Face Fest) was last weekend.  The girls had a blast hanging out with their cousins and were so disappointed when the evening ended.  There was a ton of good food - two differen types of ribs, veggies, rice, blueberry pie and cupcakes - and it was really great to see my family and spend time hanging out.

Emily loved doing Katie's hair. 
These kids love ribs!! 

Annual cousin photo. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

In the 207

We made our annual trek to Wells, Maine to hang out with Janet and her family.  It was such a great time and the kids were in the water pretty much all day.  This annual tradition is such a great way to end the summer.  The photos pretty much say it all!