Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Dentist

Emily recently made her first visit to the dentist.  She has resisted going for almost a year - refusing even to sit in the chair during Elizabeth's last visit.  So this time around, we brought out the big guns - we told her that (1) if she didn't get her teeth cleaned, she couldn't have dessert for 6 months (or until the next appointment); (2) that Elizabeth would sit in the chair with her; and (3) that she could bring Lambie for moral support.  As it turns out, Lambie was enough.  She did a great job, as the pictures below demonstrate.
In the dentist chair, all by herself.
She even smiled while getting her teeth cleaned.
Checking out her pearly whites.
Not to be forgotten, Elizabeth got her teeth cleaned too.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Why I Don't Wear My iPod When I Run

Did you hear about the guy that was running on the beach and was killed by a plane that had to make an emergency landing - he was wearing his iPod, so he never heard the plane.  Crazy, huh?  I mean, what are the odds?  Apparently, higher than you might think.  Saturday afternoon, a small plane made an emergency landing in a field about 1/4 mile from our house - smack dab in the middle of my running route.  And that, my friends, is why I don't wear my iPod when I run!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Meeting Baby Emma

Our friends Dave and Sara recently had a beautiful little girl named Emma.  We met her for the first time over the weekend and she is simply precious!!  Elizabeth really loved holding her and Emily, true to form, really didn't show much interest.  We loved visiting with her and can't wait until she is a little older and can come to our house for a visit.  Congratulations Dave and Sara!!!
Elizabeth was so thrilled to hold Emma.
Look at that grin!
Emily's turn.
I'll give her credit - she was interested in Emma for the thirty seconds that she held her.
Dave and Emma.

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Double-Fun Birthday

Our friends Madison & Victoria are eight today and this past weekend, we all celebrated their birthday with them - and 20 little girls!  It was a great day for a party and everyone had a wonderful time - from the face painting, to the scavenger hunt, the dancing to the yummy pizza and cake, this party had it all!  All four of us had such a great time!  Happy birthday to Madison & Victoria!!!
The birthday girls.
Opening presents.
Madison is loving all of her gifts!
Even Apryl is excited about all of the presents!!
Great father-daughter moment.
One of the two cakes (Victoria's, obviously).
The whole crew.
Turn up the volume; click on the four arrows on the bottom right to enlarge.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Bird Houses

A few months ago, Lee and the girls made some crafty bird houses.  Never in my life did I think that these things would see the light of day, but a few weekends ago, Lee pulled out the ladder and let the girls choose EXACTLY where they wanted their birdhouses in our yard.  Needless to say, I can't wait for the leaves to start growing!!  The birds, however, love them - in less than a week, we have already spied several birds going in and out of Elizabeth's house.
Elizabeth carries her birdhouse over to the tree she selected.
Thanks Daddy!
Elizabeth watches to make sure that he hangs it just right.
Off to put up Emily's birdhouse.
My goodness, the leaves can't grow in fast enough!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Build-A-Bear Birthday

Last weekend, Elizabeth and Emily's friend Jasmine had a birthday party at Build-A-Bear.  The girls each made cute pink bears and each of them called their bear "Pinky" - they actually made up this very "unique" name while sitting quite a distance from one another, so there was no copying involved.  Although Elizabeth was not at her best at this party, Emily had a wonderful time.  It was really great for me to see Emily interacting with other little people and I was happy to learn that she can make her own fun, even when her sister is not playing along.
Emily waiting patiently to build "Pinky".
Jasmine, the happy birthday girl!
Jasmine is such a sweetheart, comforting the unhappy Elizabeth.
Apryl finds a new outfit....
Emily is simply delighted by Pinky.

Monday, March 15, 2010


We have been thinking about re-doing the girls' room for a while.  It's been four years since Elizabeth moved into the room and two since Emily moved in with her and aside from the bunk bed and bureaus, not much has really changed.  So, every weekend for the last month or so, we have been making changes to their room.  We started by adding a chair rail; then we spent a weekend painting the room two different shades of pink while the girls slept in the guest room; then we renovated their closet; and finally, we spent an afternoon putting up curtains, changing out bedding and rugs, and hanging various accessories on the walls (with the little help from some friends who were gracious enough to watch the girls for us - thank you!!).  The result is a room that is, in the words of Elizabeth, "Pink-Delicious!!!"
Their bunk beds, complete with need princess bedding.
You can catch a small glimpse of the princess rug here.
New curtains, new ribbon board and mirror on the closet door.
The closet.
New clock and nicely organized (for now) book shelf.
Coat rack and easel.

Friday, March 12, 2010

School Arts Exhibition

The Zilkha Gallery at Wesleyan University recently displayed the art of area school children and Elizabeth was lucky enough to have a piece chosen to be on display.  We took the girls to catch a glimpse of her masterpiece and to look at the art work of her other friends and schoolmates.
Posing in front of the entrance to the gallery.
Elizabeth's masterpiece - a tree in the fall.
The proud artist.
Examining her friend Madison's artwork. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Glimpse of Spring

This past weekend, we were spoiled with a brief glimpse of spring.  The temperatures hovered in the 50's both days and we took full advantage of the warm sun and spent some quality time outside, including a few hours at a local park on Sunday morning.
Playing together.
The climber.
It's amazing to me that the swings are always a favorite.

Getting a lift from Daddy.
Safe landing.
Pure happiness.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Artist

Another masterpiece in the making....
The painter.
She has already decided on the recipients of these masterpieces.  But it's a surprise.