- "That's not a very good idea" says Elizabeth, after watching a man go by on a bicycle, his dog on leash running beside him, in the dark and snow.
- "Bears and wolves are expensive. You don't want to touch them." It makes sense, once you think about it a little bit.
- "Dear Emily, you are so beautiful. We love you very much. Happy Thanksgiving." Emily, "reading" a card that she received from a great aunt and great uncle
- "I hope that the candle doesn't cancel out the smell of the Christmas tree."
- "Mommy? Is today Christmas Eve? (yes) Okay, then I'm going to be good today." Gee, thanks Emily.
- "Maybe you should ask your mom. Your mom is a
famous cooker." Elizabeth's advice when I told her that I wasn't certain about something that I was baking.
- "I just
love happy endings" Elizabeth sighed after watching Snow White for the first time.
- "Miss Cathy. You know what? My mom is drinking a BEER!" Emily the tattletale.
- "Kiss Me!" Someday, Emily is going to drive the boys crazy. Right now, she just drives US crazy.
- "My brain is really
workin' today!!" said Elizabeth after figuring out something on her own.
- "Emily, I talked to Grammy today." "You did?? Was she making cookies for us? I bet she was...."