Saturday, January 1, 2011


Last year, we made some pretty good resolutions for 2010 and we were able to stick to them.  In addition to the ones we posted here, Lee decided to give up soda for the entire year and I pledged to run a half marathon - and we were both successful!  This year, we are standing firm in our resolve to spend less time traveling to New Hampshire.  We cut our trips from 19 (in 2009) to 9 (in 2010), which was better than we expected.  In 2011, we intend to again limit our time in the car and keep our trips north to under 10, and to focus on our nuclear family as much as possible.  The girls are growing up so quickly, we have to savor our opportunities to do fun and exciting things with them as much as possible.  We will continue to look for opportunities to do interesting things, both big and small, and keep them focused on things other than electronics (computer, handhelds, television), which is a huge challenge.  We will also continue our resolution to spend more time with our friends - we are blessed with an amazing circle of friends (who also happen to have delightful children) and we really enjoy being with them, so we will continue to make the effort to do things with them (because if you really know Lee and I, you know that, at times, it can take some doing to get us out the door....).
On a more personal level, Lee and I have recommitted to physical fitness.  Last year, I ran more than 900 miles, burning more than 85,000 calories along the way.  In 2011, I would like to increase that amount and attempt to log about 1,200 miles and burn close to 100,000 calories.  That means more long runs and more half marathons, but I think that I can do it.  I would also like to run faster and further, but those are goals are best left in my head, at least for now.  Lee is also going to get more serious about his powerlifting and enter more competitions.  He has several personal goals, and as he breaks them (and I am confident that he will), I will be sure to let you know.  I am so proud of how far he has come in such a short time; although he has always been a lifter, powerlifting is a completely new experience and yet, he has had so much success already.  Most of all, he has something truly personal to strive for and a great group of people to hang out with and learn from.
We hope that everyone had a wonderful 2010 and that you are all looking forward to the exciting year ahead.
Another Karen Jerzyk photo.

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