Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Saga of the Teeth

As you can probably tell from the first day of school photos, Emily's two front teeth were very loose.  We thought that she would lose both of them before school started, but she refused to wiggle them because she thought that she wouldn't look cute if her front teeth were missing.  Of course, having them dangling and at an angle didn't exactly make her look cute either, but she refused to work on them.  Finally, after constant nagging from Lee and I, she bit into a piece of bread (crust side) and out came one of her teeth.  And lots and lots of blood, which really freaked her out.  This was the result.
Now, we couldn't just have that last tooth hanging there.  And I'm not ashamed to admit it - Lee and I told her that we heard that if you loose two teeth in the same day, the tooth fairy brings $10 (this from a tooth fairy that normally brings 50 cents!).  Not even the promise of money could get her to wiggle this last tooth - but as she was changing into her pajamas, the other tooth came flying out too.  With lots and lots of blood.  Which again, really freaked her out.  After the bleeding stopped, she checked herself out in the mirror and realized how cute she looked.  And eagerly looked forward to that $10 payoff in the morning!
Simply adorable!!

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