Wednesday, September 17, 2014

August Odds and Ends

Photos that didn't make the cut in August, which seems like such a long time ago!
Mardi Gras day at Camp! 
Loving every single moment of summer! 
Hula hooping while her nails dry - a multi-tasker.
Fun at the pool.
Half marathon training.  Long runs = compression sleeves for recovery.  Tough to get old.
Some things never change.  May she always love books.
Lost another tooth!!
The weekend that I went to Maine with the girls, Lee made a fire pit for me.....
Travel soccer camp for a week.  Total exhaustion at the end of every night, but eager to go every morning.  And look at those socks.  This girl is a fashion plate.
Strong is the new skinny - her new favorite headband.  We are doing our best to raise strong women (mind, body and soul), and athletics are so good for these two.
Back to school night (day before the first day).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great odd's and end's….was reminded of the fire pit. Gotta get working on one….Well, not me….